Our Blog

Eating a Handful of Peanuts Daily Can Help You Lose Weight

A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that eating a handful of peanuts daily can help you lose weight.

Forget Fast Food, Peanuts are Way Better

Giving up fast food seems daunting because you may be sacrificing convenience as well as your indulging; eating healthier alternatives, however, will boost your health

Peanuts the Better Brain Food

Peanuts are a healthy snack that can help improve memory and cognitive function. They are also an excellent source of protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals.

What They Say About Us

"I am a controlled diabetic. I try to eat healthy, get in some exercise and maintain a stress-free lifestyle. My go-to snack is peanuts. Because it is low in carbs and high in protein and fibre. I always have a pack of peanuts in my bag."

Peter Wanliss

Retired Educator

"With Green Earth Peanut Company, I know I am getting premium peanuts at the best price. That way our company produces our sweet treats at affordable cost while maintaining high quality."

Teresa Pastries

Confectionery Artisan

"Walker Roasting can always depend on Green Earth Peanut Company limited as a reliable source to supply the peanut demand by my clients in a timely manner. Green Earth Peanut Company limited has continuously supplied us with our raw material for the past 3 years."

Richard Walker


“I spent all night working on a power point presentation. This morning there was a mess up with some of my slides and I had to redo them. Five minutes to presentation time I realized I had not eaten. I needed a quick energy lift. I opened my desk drawer and there it was, my stash of peanut brittle. Everybody looooved my presentation. I looove my peanutbrittle."



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"Green Earth Peanut Company Limited provides the best peanuts. At Fruit Blossoms we prefer Green Earth Peanuts as our choice of toppings."

Fruit Blossoms

Fruit Bouquets & Ice Cream Artisan

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peanut brittle bites